I always love sleeping in on wednesday mornings. The only problem is that the dogs dont seem to have it figured out that they too are supposed to be sleeping in! Dang little Letters was up a little after 4 and that got everybody else up and so it was let all the dogs out and then lay back down and toss and turn for another hour. Oh well, even laying there wanting to be asleep is better than being up
So lets see if I can remember what went on yesterday. Got up at 4:30 and headed out the door before 6.
*95# for 10
*105# for 10
*115# for 10
*125# for 10
*135# for 10
I was so tired and decided that instead of pushing myself and having horrible form that I would drop the weight and work on getting to parallel. I am telling you something, if you arent video taping yourself, you probably arent getting to parallel! The lighter sets I did alright but as the weight went up and I got tired, I was far from parallel but when I was doing it, I felt like I was at least getting parallel but I wasnt!
seated leg curls
*95# for 5 sets of 10
incline situps
*22 for 2
It was an ok workout. And I was glad that I had gone and done it even though I really wanted to just stay in bed!
We had a pretty good morning at the clinic. We had a staff meeting scheduled for 11 and actually managed to get all our surgeries done before then. I hate staff meetings. They never actually accomplish anything and everybody just gets mad because mistakes are brought up and blah blah blah! *big sigh* and we only had one because the office manager said we had to because there were some things that needed to be taken care of.
The afternoon went so stinking fast, it was wonderful. We were busy and before I knew it, it was time to go home and then off to the monchers spring musical for school. Thank the Lord it was only 40 mins this time and not an hour and a half!
Ok, I have got to go castrate a couple of horses and then we have yet another meeting with the greenies guy!