I am going to try and get this done before afternoon appointments start or I will be behind again and I am not so sure I will care enough to get caught back up.
I had the Sonoita horse races this weekend and dang were they ever tough. The wind never stops blowing in Sonoita and it wears a person out by the end of the day not too mention the extra pounds you have to carry around because of all the dirt that blows on you and in you!
Saturday it was Zac and Bama who went with me. It was not the most exciting day and it took forever because they stop for an hour and a half for the Kentucky Derby! Sunday Emma and Zac and Bama all went and it was a bit cooler and the wind blew even worse.
On the way into town.
The entrance into the fairgrounds, a bronze done by a good client and friend, Deborah Fellows.
Got to do some brother/sister messing around.
But they really do love each other.
Hanging with Bama.
More wind, so excited cant you tell?
And they are off.
Mamma and Zac
We drove home saturday night and drove back on sunday morning. It is 130 mile trip one way and I was done by sunday night. Getting up at 4:30 and not getting home again until 8 or after and dealing with the wind and dirt and being on ones feet makes for an exhausting weekend!
It was all I could do to get out of bed this morning. And not only did I have to get out of bed but I had to do it at 4 because Emma had another dental appointment and I didnt want to workout after work so I had to go early. It was hard, very hard because my hips and knees are really sore from walking on the uneven track all weekend and I am just physically tired. But I got up because that is just what needed to be done.
*225# for 5 sets of 8
I didnt want to do deads and I thought about just doing 3 sets but I couldnt allow myself such a lame excuse to be lazy! I did drop two reps off each set though. The first couple were horrible but the last ones were a bit more thought out and I actually tried a bit harder to do something right.
Lat pulldowns
*80# for 5 sets of 10
Incline situps
*22 for 2 sets
It has been the typical monday at the clinic. The morning was busy and we didnt get done with the last surgery until about 1 pm. The afternoon is very busy on the books which is a good thing because I think I would fall asleep if it wasnt!