Channel: Reflections from the Depths of the Mind
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“Less is More” week 4 – legs


Ugh, I cant believe it is already thursday and I am so far behind already!   I love being busy but it never ceases to amaze me at how fast time goes when one is busy!

Lets see if I can remember back as far as tuesday!  Nope, not really but I will do my best.

I am sure that I got up at 4:30 and headed off to the gym before 6!  Being a routine person has its advantages!



*165# for 10

*155# for 4 sets of 10

There are days when I am not very bright, ok, most days I am not but some days start out that way pretty early.  Initially I had written to do 165# for all sets but as I was setting up I thought to myself that that was a 20# jump from the week before so I decided on 155# and then loaded it to 165# because I am not very smart! :)   Needless to say it felt very heavy and I recalculated and took off 10# and it all went better from there!


seated leg curls

*85# for 5 sets of 10

My lower back has been staying sore lately and so I decided to give it a break and not do the stiff legged deads for hammies.  I must say that between that and using my belt, it has really helped with the constant soreness in the lumbar muscles.


Tuesday was very busy at the office.  I cant remember if there was anything cool or unusual but I do remember it seeming to take forever and getting out of there after 6pm as it was my birthday and we were supposed to go to dinner at the steakhouse but it was too late by the time I got done so we just went and had fast mexican food.

I promise the next post will be better and more informative but it is 4:30 and I have a bazillion horses waiting outside so it will have to wait.

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