Yesterday was a bit slow all the way around. We had a decent surgery schedule of probably 9 or so routine spays and neuters but mostly on cats and they dont take more than a couple of minutes. The afternoon was pretty steady and even though it wasnt the usual double booked, it still seemed to go by quickly.
We had a couple of horses with bad lacerations come in in the morning. One just below the hock that had happened over a week ago or maybe over 3 weeks, depends on the story the owner is remembering at that particular time that she is talking. The other horse was one who ran a pipe through the front of one of its rear fetlocks. The horse was three legged and I feared the worst but I think it is going to be ok. It had happened the day before, which I did give the owner a lecture on bringing them up immediately, so I am wrapping it in a poultice pad for a few days to draw down the swelling and get the dirt and crud out and then will do a secondary closure and cast and see if we cant get it to heal up without too much proud flesh. I was really worried about it but this morning the horse is bearing full weight on it as he is standing so I think it will be ok.
This is today after 24 hrs of having the animallintex poultice pad on! Those things are the most amazing thing ever invented! No veterinarian should be without them!
Overall it was a decent day and I was ready for bed as usual at the end of it!
I was a pig yesterday and consumed way too much salt with my slop! Holy moly was I ever a swollen up piglet this morning!
Up and out of bed this morning at the usual time and out the door before 6.
spider curls
*25# for 15
*30# for 15
*35# for 15
*40# for 15
lying tri extensions
*25# for 15
*30# for 15
*35# for 15
*40# for 15
hammer bar curls
*25# for 15
*30# for 15
*35# for 15
*40# for 10
V bar pulldowns
*60# for 15
*70# for 15
*80# for 15
*90# for 15
Incline situps
*20 for 2 sets
The village idiots showed up in mass force and Aquaman was not impressed! *rollleyes* I do love all my new chucks though!!
Today has been much like yesterday. Most of our 9 or 10 surgeries were cats and there were only a few walk ins. The afternoon looked pretty busy but so far has been pretty slow which is alright for now. I am still wore down from the horse races as it has been 20+ days of working more than 10+ hrs each day and I am looking forward to staying in bed until at least 6 on saturday!
The monchers have a karate tournament in Globe on Saturday and I am excited to go and watch them in their very first one. We are going to go up a few hours early so they can watch the black belts compete. Zac is going to love it!