Channel: Reflections from the Depths of the Mind
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5 x 5 week 4 – back


As much as I hate being on a diet, I must say that I do like this intermittent fasting diet.  Why?  Well because as much as I want to eat, I know I cant eat and so I move on.  Before when I was dieting and eating all day I would just cheat and tell myself I would eat less the next day, which we all know never happens.  With this diet I just dont get to eat after 2:30 so I cant rationalize anything.  It is awesome!

I have been a horse lover since I came out of the womb.  As a kid I lived on the back of a horse and have owned horses since getting out of vet school and getting my first job as a veterinarian.  I have had as many as 12 or 13 horses but have been at 3 for some time now.  I havent ridden in years because I have just been way too busy.

Zac has shown interest in riding on and off for a few months now and so I had a client who breaks horses take mine and tune them up and he brought them back last week.  Zac has been all excited since then about going on a horse ride so we saddled up last night after work and went for a ride.

DSCF5646Its a good thing I am on a diet!

Got up the usual time and out the door.  I was NOT wanting to get up and was wanting even less to go to the gym and do deads but I went.



deads with trap bar

*135# for 5

*225# for 5

*250# for 5

*275# for 5

*300# for 5

not pretty but I was actually happy that I got the 300# pulled for the 5!


bent over rows

*100# for 5

*110# for 5

*120# for 5

*130# for 5

*140# for 5


good mornings

*95# for 5

*100# for 5

*105# for 5

*110# for 5

*115# for 5


was late so no incline situps today, bummer.  NOT :D

I was supposed to have a meeting at the school with Zac’s speech therapist and his teacher and the principle and no one showed up but me!  I was most unhappy!  Not sure what the deal was but I hope they have a good reason!

We had a foal come up that had a patent urachus.   It is a week old and has had a bunch of issues and the owner wasnt sure if we should fix it but it had to be fixed.  The nice thing now is instead of the hay bale surgeries in the stall like I did for years, I can put the babies on the surgery table with gas anesthesia and it is awesome!!

DSCF5650bringing it in to the clinic.

DSCF5651injectable anesthesia.



it was pretty ugly but in the end it looked great :)

We had 5 boxer pups that came in for tail docks.  The owner brought them in when they were three weeks old for their tails to be docked but that is way too old so we worked out a special deal and he brought them all in today.  Im not a huge boxer fan but they were cute.


The afternoon hasnt been too horrible.  There are a couple of horse castrations waiting for me outside and then zac wants to go riding again!  Im a lucky mom to have a little boy who wants to go ride.


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