Friday, Friday, woo woo, Friday, Friday! Yeah, I know, not a real song but what the heck! Its friday and friday is leg day! And I will admit to being less than enthused about it! My alarm went off at 4:30 and I was deep in some weird dream and it was hard to get up. Not that I wanted to keep dreaming, more I just wanted to keep sleeping. One would think that after a weekend of not working the horse races I would be doing better at the end of this week but dang it all if I dont feel just as tired. Blah, it is the one part of getting old that sucks!
As I was getting ready this morning my dear little boy came in and asked if he could go to the gym with me. It is friday and early in the morning so I said of course!
headed to the gym!
leg press
*400# for 5
*500# for 5
and that was it on leg press because Zac wanted to do it and I didnt feel like loading and unloading plates and I had to find something that he could do easily. I was not saddened by not getting to do them at all.
box squats
*135# for 5
*155# for 5
*175# for 5
*185# for 5
*195# for 3
I kept almost peeing my pants on the 195# so I quit. Loser, I know!
stiff legged deads
*115# for 5
*135# for 5
*155# for 5
*175# for 5
*195# for 5
incline situps
*20 for 2 sets
We had a great time together. It does throw a bit of a wrench in my routine and slows me down but every now and again it is fun!
My all time most favorite picture!
One day he will be an awesome deadlifter!
Surgery was busy with lots of walk ins of sick dogs and hurt dogs. It was like a monday friday! Maybe that is why I was singing a friday friday song! The afternoon is super duper crazy double triple booked. Ahhhh I love my job and I love being busy! Life is good.
Headed to the races early tomorrow morning! Two more weekends then some rest, hopefully!