Channel: Reflections from the Depths of the Mind
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5 x 5 week 1 – arms


There are times when being a woman just freaking sucks!!  Like once every month when your hormones shift and you have no control over your irritation or emotions and some organ you no longer need is battling against you!  ARRGHHHHHHH!  All this made worse by being physically drained and not getting enough rest because when one is too tired, you just dont sleep well!  I need a vacation or something!

Whew, ok, whining and ranting over for this post :D

It was gurly arm day today and I rolled out of bed at 4:30 and headed off to the gym before 6!


Mainstreet outside the gym.  Welcome to smallville :)


Ok, so I now that I am doing a 5 x 5 program but I firmly believe that arms need higher reps and therefore I did higher reps and less sets!

spider curls

*25# for 15

*30# for 15

*35# for 15

*40# for 12

had to improvise a bit over how I generally do spiders at this gym as the equipment I usually used was occupied.  blah, I dont like it when new people show up and ruin my routine!


lying tricep extentions

*35# for 15

*40# for 15

*45# for 15

*50# for 12


hammer curls w bar

*20# for 15

*25# for 15

*30# for 15

*35# for 15


tricep pushdowns

*60# for 15

*70# for 15

*80# for 15

*90# for 12


Incline situps

*18 x 2 sets

It was an alright workout!  I do need to get a bit more organized and not just wing it like I have been.  I was spoiled by the boss with having an actual program and I have adjusted to it well and like it that way!


The bump is getting bigger, I think :)

We had a pretty busy surgery schedule but were done around noon.  I went home to try and lay down and take a bit of a nap but alas the phone would not stop buzzing so it was all to no avail!  But each day that goes by means I am one day closer to being done!

The afternoon is fuller than it has ever been.  We have every appointment slot double booked, it amazes me to be honest with you!  I am glad to be busy because it doesnt give me much time to feel sorry for myself :)


My beautiful birdie complained of a sore throat this morning and I had her take an advil and she called about 30 minutes ago with an ear ache and sore throat and a fever.  Thankfully both the monchers are good sick kids and pretty much take care of themselves.

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