Channel: Reflections from the Depths of the Mind
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5 X 5 week 1 – back


Oh my goodness my stomach is NOT happy with me!!!  Apparently working all these days and not getting enough rest is making my body not happy, go figure :D

We have been beyond crazy busy at the clinic and it is awesome but crazy!  I have been going through a bit of a difficult circumstance the past few months, a trial that has gone on longer than I had expected and has not turned out as I had expected.  The root cause of it is my pride that got me into it and as a christian I know that the enemy is taking full advantage of it and using it to try and get me down!  BUT it is not going to happen!  Why you ask?  Because I am a child of God and He has everything under control and allows everything knowing exactly what I can handle and what I need to make me change and smooth out the rough edges!  As I have pondered and searched deep within myself during these past many months and struggled and been afraid and come to some realizations and truths, I have come to a most wonderful peaceful place where I know that no matter the outcome, everything will be perfect as God has planned it to be.  In the mean time He is blessing me by giving us full surgery schedules and double booked afternoons!  Thank you God for your perfecting love!!

So anyway, yesterday was back day and we were too busy all day for me to get to my blog and today has been just as bad but I am determined :)


I still havent sat down and figured up a specific program aside from the fact that it will be a 5 x 5.  But given it is a 5 x 5 I at least dont have to think too hard on how many reps I am going to do or how many sets :)

The day started out pretty good just because getting ones butt cheeks out of bed and off to the gym is a great way to start the day.



*135# for 5

*185# for 5

*225# for 5

*275# for 5

*295# for 5

I had 315# down for the last set but knew when I pulled 275# that 315# for 5 would not happen so I put my pride on the shelf and dropped to 295#.  It wasnt pretty but I got all five reps pulled.  I did totally miss myself on the video for the 295# pull but it was probably a good thing :)


bent over rows


*95# for 5

*105# for 5

*115# for 5

*125# for 5

*135# for 5


Incline situps

*18 for 3 sets

To be honest with you I have to say that I dont even really remember what all we did yesterday!  I know that I hurried through surgeries so that I could go and eat lunch with the monchers at school and toured Emmas classes science projects.  They were so happy to have me come!  I need to do it more often,

After lunch time with them it was womens fellowship at the church and then back to the clinic for an extremely busy afternoon.  Our last appointment was 4 colts for castration and we didnt get done until around 6 pm.




They branded them while they were sleeping.

I slept until 5 this morning which is not as long as I had wanted but the dogs are so used to going out at that time that they were up and making noise and wanting out so I just got my butt up.

photo(169)Every day has the potential to be great if we give it a chance :)


I have awesome monchers!!

Today has been crazy as we were short two staff members one of them being my main receptionist.  But we have managed to make it through the whole day without me killing anyone.  We did have two dogs come in today that had been sick for several days and died.  One was a 5 year old boxer that walking in and got weighed and collapsed and died in the middle of the lobby.  It had been sick for at least five days and obviously should have come in a long time ago.  The other one was an 8 year old black lab that came in struggling to breath and died a few hours later.

It is 5pm on the nose and I am ready to go home and go to bed.  See you all tomorrow!


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