Channel: Reflections from the Depths of the Mind
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“Power Pyramid” week 10b – back


Whew, it feels like friday!  Thinking what happened yesterday after my last blog……………  The monchers had karate and then we had dinner and did homework and went to bed.  Yep, that about sums it up :)

Rolled out of bed at 4:29 and got off to the gym a bit late because the windshield was iced up so I had to give it a few minutes to thaw out.


Got to the gym and there were no cars parked and I was so very happy.  That and it was not dead day for back so I knew it would be a pretty easy workout.  Yes, I know I shouldnt be excited about an easy workout but I was :D


Got my new universal vintage bag and new shaker cup!  I feel so cool :D


And a smile to go with the empty gym and easy back workout.  Unfortunately the gym only stayed empty for about half of my workout!

T bar rows

*45# for 20

*55# for 18

*65# for 15

*75# for 12

*85# for 10

used neutral grip again and tried to really concentrate on using my back to pull the weight.  Still need to work on my form and appartently my memory because I am not sure if the reps are right but I am too lazy to walk out to the jeep to check :0


wide grip pulldowns

*60# for 20

*70# for 20

*80# for 18

*90# for 15

*100# for 9


incline situps

*18 for 3 sets

The morning didnt look that bad on the books but holy moly it ended up being a disaster.   We got through the routine surgeries licky split and it came time for a FHO on a boxerish dog and it went all down hill from there.  The wrong side of the dog got prepped and I made the incision before it was realized that it was the wrong side.  Then the other side was so scarred up that it took forever to get the femoral head piece out and I was short on time and frustrated!  And then I forgot to neuter him!   Some times there are just going to be days like that!

We had the womens bible study/fellowship at noon and Devri and I barely made on time.  It went well and I am glad we got to go.  I had planned to go and have lunch with Devri afterwards but there was a horse with a bad laceration that came in and I had to go and take care of it.

DSCF4804Ouch!  She bucked the cowboy off and ran headlong into a mesquite tree!


Suturing up the damaged muscle.


Closing the skin flap.


Almost done.

DSCF4840All closed up.  It wont heal that good but it at least looks good for a few days.

The afternoon has been busy and has gone smoothly.  I am so ready for the day to be over and to get to go to bed.

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