Channel: Reflections from the Depths of the Mind
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“Power Pyramid” week 10b – chest


It was back to Tucson for the horse races this weekend.  Up at 4:30 on saturday and on the road for the 150 mile trip.  I had a truck load with Billie April, Tyler, Zac and myself.  It had the makings of a good weekend.  We stopped in Benson at Dennys for some breakfast.  While we were there it started snowing.  Now this is southern arizona and it doesnt snow here very often but I didnt figure it would be that bad because, well, it is southern arizona.

We got done with breakfast and it was snowing harder and starting to collect on the road.  I grew up in Idaho Falls, Idaho so snow is nothing new to me but to most arizona drivers, they are scared to death.  There was a car in the median and several pulled off the road before we had gone 10 miles.  The snow was coming down pretty good for us and I was glad I was in my work truck which is a one ton diesel.  I put it in 4 wheel drive just to be safe in case someone freaked out and lost it and we did have to do some 4 wheeling.  Thankfully all was good and we made it to just outside Tucson where the skies cleared and one would never have known that a few miles behind there was snow.


It got a bit worse than this for a few miles but overall it wasnt too horrible.


And a few miles later, beautiful skies and no snow in sight.

It was cold on saturday.  Maybe not cold for people in other parts of the country but cold for us so-az peoples. :)   So Zac and I spent a lot of time in the truck in between lasix shots.

photo(144)There were thankfully only 8 races on saturday and thankfully it never did rain or snow or blow!


A bit dark and wet at the haul in barn.


Dark skies all day!


Zac likes to pick on the gate crew and they give it back as well!

DSCF4470Zac and his nachos :)


Zacs best friend :)


Loaded and locked.

DSCF4540And they are off!

DSCF4541And the winner is……………………..

DSCF4544Zac playing jockey!

DSCF4547Tyler dumping Zac on his head.

photo(146)Zac and his best friend. :)


He loved the goggles that his best friend gave him. :)

We were done about 4:30 and went and did a bit of shopping and then had dinner at Olive Garden and went back to the room and at least I was asleep around 8:30!!

Sunday was a warmer day.  The sky was clear and by the time the races started one could wear a short sleeved shirt.  Got to love Arizona weather.

DSCF4689My mean look apparently. :)   No wonder nobody will talk to me during the races :D

DSCF4702The gate crew, well, some of the gate crew.

DSCF4734Here come the ponies!

DSCF4802Zacs self portrait.

photo(148)When the sun started to go down it got cold fast.

photo(149)The end of sunday races and Zac is still smiling!

They had 10 races sunday and it was after six when we left the track and late when we got home.  Got to bed well after nine and rolled out of bed at 4:30 and headed off to the gym before 6,


I have to say that I am glad it is chest on mondays with this program because I am not so sure I would have the jumption to do legs after working all weekend at the races.

db bench press

*55# for 8

*60# for 6

*65# for 4

*70# for FAIL x 2

*45# for 15

I am such a loser with the 70s!  Before I figured there was no way I could get them up and I would at least get the half way.  Now I over think the whole dang thing and cant get them at all.


*15# for 25

*20# for 20

*25# for 15

*30# for 10


a little stoic today :)

military press on smith

*75# for 10

*85# for 8

*95# for 6

*105# for 4


Incline situps

*18 for 3 sets

Work was a bit slow this morning which was ok.  I had a dental appointment for a teeth cleaning at 11 and we didnt have to rush everything for me to make it.  Holy moly though the woman tries to rip my gums off!

The afternoon has been consistent and is getting really cold.  Thankfully the horse appointments were no big deal and I didnt have to be out in it for very long :D

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