Arms day was a long time ago and I was in the emergency room Thursday night until midnight with David with complications from his hernia surgery and so I did NOT go and workout on Friday. Yes, I know, slug but given that I had to work the horse races all weekend and would have to get up at 4:30 and work all day on saturday, I figured one missed leg workout wouldnt ruin me.
I know for sure that I got up at 4:30 and was out the door before 6 for the gym.
db curls
*15# for 20
*20# for 16
*25# for 12
*30# for 8
lying tri extensions
*25# for 20
*30# for 16
*35# for 12
*40# for 10
rope hammer curls
*60# for 20
*70# for 18
*80# for 16
*90# for 14
rope overhead extensions
*60# for 20
*70# for 18
*80# for 16
*90# for 14
Incline situps
*15 for 2
*20 for 2
There is nothing worse than the emergency room at any time but especially at night and having to be there forever! That being said though, I am glad they are available when one is needed.
Friday was staying in bed until 6 and off to the hospital to check on David before work. They wouldnt let the kids back there so I didnt stay very long.
We were busy all morning and I had to give my massage appointment to one of my staff as I still had several surgeries left. When I got done with them I headed to the hospital again and unfortunately, no one knew anything. Ughhhh So it was back to work for a double booked afternoon that was going to end with a most huge and disgusting vaginal prolapse on a cow! Thank goodness for Tyler because that kid never gives up. There was four of us pushing on that thing trying to get it back in and there were many times that Tylers face was only a few inches from being smashed into the huge bloody mess!
It had been out for at least 24 hours and was very edematous.
We tried to do it in the trailer to prevent her from injuring it further but for some odd reason she just didnt want to stand there while Tyler and I shoved on her vagina! Cant imagine why.
Ruthy joining in the fun!
Tyler is having way too much fun!!
How many people can get hands on one cows vagina?
Apparently four!
Tylers face was very close to a very large gross cervix! But he never weakened!
Finally in! Placed the buhners suture and sent her home!
After that it was clean up and back to the hospital to check on David. I left Zac at his aunts so I didnt have to be in a hurry. It turned out just perfect because the doctor came in while I was there and released him so it was just a matter of waiting the hour for the paperwork to get done and then we were out the door!