I am exhausted right now. The yesterday and today have been crazy. Well, that is not entirely true. Yesterday was crazy today was just tiring. We had an extremely busy surgery schedule yesterday and we are trying to train two girls for assisting so things were a bit slower than usual as well. The afternoon was its standard double booked with a bazillion booked in the last hour with horses! We had a cyrptorchid castration, a hernia repair on a mini, a lay down and clean up wounds, one exam on teeth, and 4 preg checks.
We brought the mini inside the clinic to put on the surgery table to fix the hernia there were 50 million people crammed into our small surgery room. The one nice thing was that there was lots of help to carry the thing out of the clinic when I was done.
I did get in my dozen ANIMAL shaker bottles in. They are awesome!! And not only do they look awesome but they work awesome as well. The mouth is shaped just perfect so that you dont dribble any out on your chest! I love them! So very glad that I got a dozen of them.
I got home late and David had very nicely cooked dinner. I walked into my bedroom and the housekeeper had hung clothes on my brand new treadmill. I cant have that already so I actually used it last night. I walked at a 12 degree incline at 4 mph for 15 mins and burned 213 calories. Not fantastic but better than nothing.
Got to bed at a decent time but woke up a lot the first few hours for whatever the reason. I got up at the usual four and was out of the house by 6.
preacher curls SS with french press
*30# for 20/*30# for 20
*35# for 18/*35# for 18
*40# for 15/*40# for 15
*45# for 12/*45# for 12
reverse grip cable curls SS with reverse grip tri pushdowns
*40# for 20/*70# for 20
*50# for 16/*80# for 16
*60# for 15/*90# for 12
*70# for 12/*100# for 7
Incline situps
*15 for 2 sets
Got done with my workout and it was a rush to try and get everything gathered up and get on the road. We had a ranch call to semen test bulls for some bull sales and there was over 40 of them to do plus some other odds and ends of stuff to take care of.
Bama, who is from alabama, had been raised as a southern bell and has lived here in smallville for a little over a year. She has never experienced farm/ranch living and was all excited to go and help and to use the ejaculator. I am not so sure that she still thinks it is cool.
The ranch sign.
Bama and the bull
Its a crappy job.
Talking about the ponies.
Talking about Dianne’s pet cows!
a little poop in the hair.
But not as much poop as Bama got.
(will insert video when it uploads)
We made it back to the clinic at a decent time and have taken care of hospitalized patients and other such things all and it is now 5:30 and I am still exhausted and ready to go take a bath and go to bed.