Unbelievable that I am actually sitting down to type out my workout for the second day in a row.
Yesterday was the first day back to school for the monchers and Emma was very excited but Zac not so much.
He was pretty happy after school though and he and Emma went to karate for the first time in 3 weeks and had a blast at that too. I was actually surprised at how few kids were in the class. Generally there is twice as many there. I am not sure if it is still the holiday lows or what. Emma had her first sparring class though and she really enjoyed it.
I was very ready for the end of the day and bed. Not that that is anything new and I slept pretty good. Out of bed at 4:30 and out the door before 6.
*135# for 10
*185# for 10
*225# for 10
*275# for 6
*315# for 3
not the best deadlifting day but better than it was last time so I am happy with it.
I had to do some mental prep for my 315#! I have been horrible with it lately so I sat there and thought about how many I wanted to get, how many I thought I could get and then thought about form and such and then went for it!
This is supposed to be my game face! LOL
V Bar pulldowns
*90# for 10
*100# for 10
*110# for 10
*120# for 8
*130# for 6
*25 for 2 sets
Incline situps
*15 for 2 sets
Zac was in a much better mood regarding school this morning and I am very grateful for it. He actually ate his breakfast without me having to be on him all the time about it. They were both happy on the way too school and Zac smiled for a picture and was being a total ham!
Our surgery schedule was beyond crazy!! We had a bazillion routine surgeries and a femoral head and neck osteotomy that had come in yesterday. The poor dog had so much torn and destroyed muscle! The owner states that they have no idea what happened but something very bad happened to the dog.
The afternoon isnt too horribly busy, or at least it doesnt appear that way on the books. There are a handful of appointments and then I have a farm call at 3:30 to bangs vaccinate a few head of heifers.
The frenchies are still so stinking cute! I love them! I would love them more if they didnt pee and poop every 2 mins!