Channel: Reflections from the Depths of the Mind
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“Power Pyramid” week 1a- back


I am running out of energy, fast, so please bear with me if I ramble too much!  Yes, I know, I always ramble too much! :D

It was after 5:30 before I got done at the office last night and therefore I missed the monchers karate again. :(   Not that I am complaining about being busy, busy is a good thing, but I know the monchers miss having me go to their things and Emma tells me all the time that I am crabby and angry at night.  She is right too but at the current time I dont know how to fix it.  Long days with not much down time make for a cranky mamma.

Got to bed around the usual time only to be awakened by a text at 10:30 pm.  Baileys owner had another bitch that had gone into labor and she wanted to know if when we should do the c section.  This bitch had always had c sections and had a very small pelvis.  I told her that as long as she wasnt pushing we could wait until morning when we opened and had more help.  Well at 1 am we had an exchange of texts for about 20 mins because Zoey was pushing and the o didnt know what to do.  We decided that if she hadnt stopped by 2 am we would go for the c section.  Of course we had to do the c section at 2 am!  The stars were amazing though! :)


Eight very healthy little english creme golden retrievers welcomed into the world.   Bailey thought they were the best thing ever.  She was soo happy and was trying to crawl in the box with them.  Made us all happy to see her doing so well.

Got back to bed at 3:30 and had barely fallen asleep when the alarm went off and it was time to get up!  Blah.  Up and out the door before 6.




*135# for 30

*155# for 25

*185# for 15

*205# for 10

*225# for 8

I hit the wall big time by the third set.  My endurance has always sucked and it is even worse when I am short on sleep!


V bar pulldowns

*60# for 20

*70# for 18

*80# for 15

*90# for 12

*100# for 10

got to get my lats to grow some!



*20 for 3 sets

I was going to do some hyperextensions but there was nothing left!


Got to the clinic to find out that Bailey had eaten, literally eaten, her splint and catheter!  She has been so happy today!  David had brought me a breakfast sandwich from somewhere and I had taken one small bite and had to go up and talk to a client and so I set it behind my computer.  When I came back I couldnt find it!  Well, dear Bailey had climbed up on the desk and eaten my sandwich!   All day she has been begging food and stealing anything that she can get her mouth on! AND the even better news is that she pooped!  And a good solid one!


Yes, I know that no one wants to see a picture of poop but we were all very happy that stuff was moving through the anastomosis site!  She has been wandering around begging attention and food from anyone she can find!


Begging from my dad!

We had a very busy surgery schedule with 1 dog spay, 2 dog neuters, 1 cat neuter and 4 cat spays.  Thankfully cat spays take all of about 5 mins per cat so once we got started it went pretty quickly.  The last surgery of the day was a fracture repair on a young cat that got hung up in a fan belt.  I was very impressed that the two young men who owned the cat elected to have the leg repaired and didnt just have it put to sleep.



before!  ouch!



After.  It was a tougher repair than I had planned on and there was a big piece of bone that had been shattered and so there is a big hole in the front but thankfully cats love to grow new bones :)   and this cat is only 4 months old so is in the growing mode and should heal great!

We got done with the surgery and the afternoon appointments were already starting to show up!  I am running on fumes and it has been non stop all afternoon!  Once again, not complaining just stating the facts and the fact that Im exhausted! :)   I dont do well on lack of sleep.

Tonight is the clinic christmas party so one more night of not getting to bed on time.  Tomorrow night is the kids christmas play for school and then thursday is bible study.  It will be a week of limited sleep for me so I had just better resign myself to it now and get as mentally prepared as I can, right? :D


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