Holy cow! I could almost stop right there! It has been an incredibly crazy week and a half since I last blogged about life and such! Friday after work Billie, Bri and I headed up to phoenix to spend the night. Bri was flying out the next morning early and Billie and I were headed to Anaheim, CA! We had a fantastic dinner at Fogo De Chao and found a hotel close to the airport. Our first room had a bathtub with water in it and something growing in it! I am not even making it up!
We got Bri off at the airport and then we hit the road! Nothing like road tripping!
We did some major shopping at one stop and then headed on to Anaheim! The trip was smooth and we got to our hotel alright and even got registered for the convention.
The Anaheim convention center is very nice.
The meeting started on sunday and we learned a lot and had a great time not only attending meetings but going to the trade show and eating wonderful real food! (there is no real food in smallville)
My caricature! LOL
Me and Trigger and Buddy the dog!
Headed out to the house of blues for some food and entertainment thanks to Webster Equine!
We then drove all night on tuesday to get home so I could do emergency surgery on Bailey a very pregnant golden retriever who had a foreign body in her bowel. It is a good thing that we did because she would have died had we stayed the extra day. I had to remove 13″of bowel. She was 53 days pregnant and it was very tough. She did well the next day but then started to get more depressed. By friday she was very bad and the decision was made to open her up again and deliver the pups and see what was going on with the intestines.
She had 10 pups and only 5 of them survived but 5 is better than none if we had done nothing! She had a large amount of foreign material in her stomach that I had to open up and take out. I also had to redo the anastamosis site. Each day since has been tough. She goes up and down on how she is feeling. Her albumin is so low I am not sure if she will actually be able to heal. But we have prayed for her and it is all in Gods hands now!
She looked good this morning but is a bit more depressed this afternoon. She did go for a long walk a little bit ago so I am hoping she is just tired. She has no reserves!
We had several emergencies this weekend with one resulting in the need to do a leg amputation sunday after church.
So after 9 days off from the gym it was time to go back this morning. I was very glad that I had already determined to take the whole week off from the gym because we were slammed and I was exhausted!
Got up at 4:30 this morning, slowly, and got ready and was out the door before 6.
It is time for a new program. Much the same as the last one just a new name and a few new exercises mixed in.
Chest and shoulders
bench press
*75# for 20
*85# for 20
*95# for 15
*105# for 10
holy moly I have no endurance with the pectorals!
incline flys
*15# for 20
*20# for 15 for 3 sets
lateral raises
*10# for 20 for 4 sets
*20 for 3 sets
I am so incredibly fluffy right now it isnt even funny. That being said, it is my own fault because I have been putting my hand to my mouth way way way too much! I am going to try and get it under control before christmas and before I pack on 20#!!
We were very busy yet again this morning! Started last surgery at noon, an ACL repair on a very fat chocolate lab. Hoping the vinyl holds given her weight. The knee was very stable post surgery which is a good thing,
Tomorrow is back and I have deads to do! Some times I think that I am not the smartest person. The last thing one should want to do the second day back from a deload and a crazy busy non stop is deadlifts! Oh well, this new program is dedicated to pushing myself past what I want to so might as well get with it!