It has been a few days of no blogging so let me see if I can remember what I did. Hmmmmmmm nope, not really . I do remember that Emma had a violin recital on tuesday night at 7pm. Thank goodness that she was fairly early and we got to leave as soon as she was done.
The little girl next to her kept hitting Emma in the head with her bow. LOL
Wednesday was work and more work. I made my pie dough that night and we placed two turkeys and a beef roast in a pit to cook overnight.
It was great to sleep in on Thursday. I got up at 6 and made my pies, 2 pumpkin and 2 chocolate bourbon pecan. Yummy. Then Zac and I went to the gym. It was awesome to have him go with me and he worked out hard
bent over rows
*95# for 15
*115# for 12
*125# for 10
*135# for 8
*145# for 6
seated V bar rows
*90# for 15
*100# for 12
*110# for 10
*120# for 8
*130# for 7
*20 for 3 sets
Went home after the gym and ate way way too much food. We had turkey at about 2pm and then sat around and did nothing for a few hours and then rearranged the livingroom and put up the Christmas tree I will take a picture as soon as it is done being decorated. The monchers and Brie are doing it so that is even better because I dont have too
We were open today and as much as I hated to get out of bed at 4:30 and was thinking to myself, Why are we open today? I rolled out of bed and was out the door to the gym before 6.
seated db shoulder press
*35# for 8
*40# for 8
*45# for 6
*50# for 4
*55# for 2
nothing like a huge eating day the day before to fuel one for a great workout
db curls SS with overhead tri extensions
*20# for 4 sets of 20/*45# for 4 sets of 12
reverse grip cable curls SS with reverse grip tri pulldowns
*40# for 4 sets of 20/*70# for 4 sets of 20
*20 for 3 sets
Not a bad workout overall. The gym was pretty empty except for Jimmy the cleaning guy until I started doing my HLRs and by then it doesnt matter because I am out of there!
My lens is very dirty but they have main street all decorated and the christmas music was playing.
We were SLAMMED today! HOLY MOLY! It was non stop from the time we opened. We had 10 surgeries on the books and then a million emergencies that came in! It kept us going and going and going all morning . The afternoon was a better, more normal with just appointments and such.
I am so glad that tomorrow is saturday We are going to go to Merry Main street tonight and then have a baby shower tomorrow and church on sunday but that is pretty much it