Last night was karate practice for the monchers with sparring afterwards for Zac. I am always glad to see that my kids are not the only ones who dont pay that much attention during the lesson and are often looking the other direction or staring at themselves in the mirrors.
We got home and did homework and headed off to bed.
Had an emergency call at 3:45 am. A little hairless chihuahua that had gotten out of the owners bed and thrown up and then gone over and pooped and was now cold. *shrug* I had no idea why she was calling but I told her to put her back in bed and that I am sure she would be fine. She probably just didnt want to go outside in the cold to go poop!
Up and out of bed at 4:30 and out the door before 6.
db bench press
*50# for 10
*55# for 10
*60# for 7
*65# for 4
*70# for FAIL :/
I remember when I was happy to be able to press the 50s for 4 and now I feel like a failure for not getting the 70s! Image may be NSFW.
Clik here to view. Ahhhh the expectations we place upon ourselves.
incline bench press
*85# for 10
*95# for 8
*115# for 6
*135# for 1
Whew, I was done done done by that last set! It was like a rock falling Image may be NSFW.
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*20 for 3 sets
There was a great sunrise on the way home. One day I am going to travel the country and just take pictures. Ok, probably not but it would be awesome to do Image may be NSFW.
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Our morning surgery schedule was pretty light as we had a few cancellations. It is common around this time of year because people start thinking of what they want to buy for Christmas and they have second thoughts about spending any money on their dog.
I had my third massage today. I do not know how I lived for 40 years without them! What an incredible difference it makes on just my overall wellness! I am telling you, give up a few of the supplements that do not do anything for you and start having a deep tissue massage done on a routine basis, your body and your mind will thank you!
Emma has a violin recital tonight. UGHHHHH it is going to be dreadful! I have heard these kids play and it is not good. Not trying to be negative, just stating the facts Image may be NSFW.
Clik here to view. the orchestra teacher was in the hospital for over a months so there has not been much practicing. Not only is it going to sound terrible but it is at 7PM!!!!! Which I know for the rest of the world is not that late but for me who goes to bed between 8-9, a 7 pm start time is WAY LATE! Image may be NSFW.
Clik here to view. Me and my simple life!
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