I do not wish harm on anyones pet but I do love to fix broken legs. There is something so satisfying about taking something that is broken and making it whole again. Friday afternoon we had a young cat come in with a very badly broken back leg.
I had discussed the cost with the owner to pin the leg and the cost to amputate. Unfortunately the economics of the area arent great and often amputation is all that one can afford in order to save their animals life. I really didnt want to cut this young cats leg off so I priced the pin much lower and not that much more than the amputation. The owner called her husband and unfortunately all they could afford was the amputation.
The girls put the cat in the kennel and I told them that we were going to fix the leg at the same price as the amputation because, well, because I was the boss and that is what I wanted to do So saturday morning I fixed it. Cats are easy to get things lined up because the muscles are not very strong.
It came together great. I had not told the owners that I was going to pin it just in case I got in there and something went wrong. They just came to pick him up and were so happy!
Sunday was church and then a nap and not much of anything else. David had to go to phoenix to pick his daughter up from the airport and the monchers and I just hung out and relaxed.
Up at 4:30 and off to the gym a bit before 6. I was feeling very not like going to the gym and excessively fluffy which is no ones fault but my own because I have been a total pig for weeks now! It makes me very crabby!
since I suck at squats I have decided that for my last week of them on this program that I was going to go lighter and do more reps so that maybe I sucked less.
*95# for 20
*115# for 18
*135# for 15
*155# for 12
*185# for 10
my last set of these was horrible!! It is one reason that everyone should video themselves lifting because what you feel like you are doing or how low you think you are going is sooooo often no where close to what you are actually achieving.
stiff legged deads
*95# for 20
*115# for 20
*135# for 15
*155# for 12
leg extensions
*45# for 20
*45# for 15
*45# for 15
I have no idea other than I ate terrible over the weekend but my legs were fried by this point! 45# is nothing and it hurt worse than when I did 90#
It was getting late because doing squats for reps takes so much longer to not only do but to catch ones breath after so I ran out of time for calf raises and someone was on the machine for the HLRs so I just left!
The monchers were having so much fun showing Davids daughter around that they were not ready to go. Finally got them off to school but couldnt find Zacs backpack.
Two of our surgeries cancelled this morning which was ok but it left for an uneventful morning. the afternoon started out with only one appointment but has kind of sort of filled up a little bit.
I took the bandage off of Purr last night and she has been the happiest little cat! She still has a bit of healing to do but she is running around and playing and it is fantastic to see!
Last night.
3 weeks ago
The beginning! A week before the above picture.
She has come a long ways in a very short time and she is a sweet little kitten who has never once gotten upset at anything we have done to her!