We had a few interesting cases yesterday. We were just getting started on surgeries when this guy walks in with a boxer that had an engorged penis hanging down between his legs! Poor thing. The guy wasnt sure how long it had been out but the kids had found it that way the night before! :EEK:
They decided to have him neutered since we had to anesthetize him to get his penis back where it belonged! All I can say is that I am glad I am a girl!
We also had an elderly man bring his cat in that we had seen a few weeks before for not acting right. His wife had just passed away from cancer and it had been her cat and it had stopped eating. He didnt have much money so we did some minimal blood work and sent it home with antibiotics. He came in again because it still wasnt eating and was vomiting some really gross stuff. The x ray revealed a very large amount of food that was backed up in the intestines. I figured that there was probably a mass there but the old man couldnt decide what to do. I told him that we would do an exploratory at no charge. It was indeed a mass in the intestines.
We euthanized the cat on the table
Went to karate last night when we got done at the office. Both monchers were doing well and seemed to be paying pretty good attention. Zac did very well in sparring. His attention and desire to do well has greatly increased since starting the sparring class. Afterwards they went to their Aunts and David and I went and had dinner. We went to a little “italian” and it took an hour to get a cheese pizza and a bowl of soup. Crazy! But it isnt like we had anything else pressing to do.
Went to bed early and had an emergency call at 1:30 am! I HATE being woke up And to make it worse the guy had no money and then blamed me for animal cruelty. ???? I work with a lot of people but when you blame me for the fact that you dont have any money, I am not going to help you because owning a pet is a privileged and something that you shouldnt do if you cant afford to take care of them when they are sick. I was so irritated when I got off the phone with the guy that it took me over an hour to get back to sleep. Grrrr
Up and out of bed at 4:30 and out the door to the gym before 6.
rack pulls
*95# for 50
*115# for 40
*135# for 35
*185# for 25
*225# for 20
lots of reps today to decrease the pull on my clavicles and shoulders.
wide grip pulldowns
*60# for 20
*70# for 18
*80# for 15
*90# for 12
*100# for 8
my lats were burning good!
*20 for 3 sets
We had a full surgery schedule this morning and a horse for lameness evaluation and a show steer for a lump. I also had my second deep tissue massage scheduled at 11 and there was no way I was going to miss it! We barely managed to get through surgeries by 10:45 and I was out the door.
The massage was AMAZING! Im telling you, if you workout or even if you dont but your back hurts or anything hurts, you need to find a good massage therapist and at least try it! I hate to be touched but this makes everything work so well that it is worth it! I am going to go back again for a few more weeks once a week and then probably do a maintenance every other week. It makes me feel like a million bucks when I am done!!
The afternoon is booked but it hasnt been that crazy. Tonight is bible study and makes for a late getting to bed but thats ok, it is worth it