Channel: Reflections from the Depths of the Mind
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“Simple Workout” week 9a- back


Lets see, yesterday was  wednesday, off day.   We had a busy surgery schedule in the morning and I was worried that I wasnt going to be done in time for my deep tissue massage as one of the surgeries was an ACL (or CCL as they are called in dogs) repair on a 100# rottweiler.   BUT as we were getting every thing ready for the surgery it was discovered that we did not have the clamps for the vinyl so we had to bump it to today.   That made it so I was done in plenty of time to make it to my appointment.

I will write more about my thoughts on massage therapy some day soon when I have a few bored minutes but lets just say, it far exceeded my expectations!  I am sold on it!  I think everyone who does any sort of physical activity should invest in it!  Seriously!

We had to sedate Red to look in his ears and Devri wanted to pose him.  LOL we got a kick out of it but I dont think Red cared :)   Letters wasnt very happy about having to watch over the drunk :)

Zacs little kitten, Purr (for now :)   ) lost her skin flap.  :(   We couldnt keep her temperature down and then her skin started falling apart.  I removed all the dead skin and she has done better although still spiking a fever.  We keep her bandaged and I think she will fine eventually, it will take awhile though.

The rest of the day was uneventful and we got to bed at usual time.  I did have a bazillion emergency calls between 10 and 12! Ok, Ok, not a bazillion but when one loves sleep as much as I do even one is too many :D   I think there were 4 calls and I had to go in at midnight and treat a dachshund that had been attacked by another dog.  Not that the owner knew what had happened.  They thought someone had shot it because apparently leaving your crippled 2 year old weenie dog outside in the cold from 7pm to 11:30 pm is acceptable pet ownership and random people go around shooting them.  Makes me crabby!!  Almost all of  its toenails were  grown around into its pads!  Any way we hospitalized her and I was headed back to bed about 12:45.

The monchers school was having a thanksgiving dinner for lunch today and I had volunteered to cook a turkey and warm up a ham.  I picked them up yesterday late afternoon and the turkey was frozen solid.  *big sigh*  I placed it in the sink with cold water and left it there all night.  I got up at 4 am and cleaned it up and doctored it and stuck it in the oven and went about getting ready for the day and was out the door to the gym at 5:45 :)


bent over rows

*95# for 15

*115# for 12

*125# for 10

*135# for 8

*145# for 6


seated V bar rows

*80# for 20

*90# for 15

*100# for 12

*110# for 10

*120# for 8



*20 for 3 sets


Had a busy morning with cooking the food for the school and the busy surgery schedule.   The ACL repair was the last one and it was late when we got started and it took a long time but everything went well with it and think the dog will do good considering.    I didnt get done with that surgery until after 1 so it didnt leave too much time to do anything else other than run home and cook an omelet for lunch.

The afternoon was slow and I hate that.  Although it is already 4:30 and I am barely getting to finish my post so maybe it was busier than it looked. :)


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