Last night was karate practice for the monchers and then sparring for Zac. He is so cute in his sparring gear. He gets all focused and he thinks it is so cool that he gets to wear a cup! LOL he hits it and says, “it doesnt hurt my huevos!” When we finished with karate it was home for dinner and homework and off to bed.
I slept pretty darn good and rolled out of bed at 4:30 and out the door before 6.
db bench press
*50# for 10
*55# for 8
*60# for 6
*65# for 4
Im telling you, I am going to get those 70s! might take me a few more weeks but I will get them up!
incline press
*115# for 6
*125# for 3
*135# for 1
*145# FAIL
I need to drop the weight on these and stop trying to think I am actually strong
*20 for 3 sets
The surgery schedule was not very full today I like surgery and like to have lots of them to do. Tomorrow we have an ACL repair on a 100+ pound akita that is coming from a town an hour and a half away. The way I fix them is NOT the ideal way for this large of a dog but it will help stabilize the joint and the people can not afford a TPLO so it is better than nothing.
We got the turtles a new home, finally! We were not sure that they were going to live and I didnt want to spend several hundred dollars on a tank to have them die. So we waited until they started eating and someone could make it to the big city to buy a tank. Jenn went to tucson this weekend and found the perfect one and so we set it up yesterday and moved the turtles over and they LOVE it!
They are a huge attraction for the kids and adults alike! I think we will get a few fish to add as well.
The afternoon is slow today as well. Blah, we need a broken leg to come in or a pregnant dog that needs a c section! Busy is a great thing!!