Channel: Reflections from the Depths of the Mind
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“Simple Workout” week 9a- legs


It was a good weekend.  The monchers had their soccer games late so we had the whole morning to take things easy.  I had a few emergencies and we pretty much did a bunch of nothing.  I kind of like mornings like that.  Emmas game was at 12 and Zacs at 1.

She did NOT want to be goalie and the coach made her.

Trying to give her a pep talk and encourage her.  Emma is not big on affection unless she is initiating it.  Wonder where that came from :)

Zac walking Letters :)

I told the coach that Emma didnt want to be goalie and the coach was not happy about it.  She said she couldnt get Emma to move so she wanted her in the goalie box.  Really?!   Why would you want somebody who doesnt want to be there and isnt moving enough to be goalie?  I told her to make her a defender and Emma did wonderful and played more and ran more than she had the entire season.

She did awesome and I am so proud of her!!

It was Zacs last game, thank goodness.  I am ready to have my saturdays back to do nothing :)

He is a kicking machine!!

He was very proud of his trophy :D

After soccer we went to watch “Here comes the Boom!”  It was a cute show and we all enjoyed it.

I attempted my first pumpkin roll on saturday night and it kind of all fell apart but still tasted pretty darn good!   It is NOT diet friendly though :)

Sunday was church which was great!  And then football and a nap during the afternoon.  It was a good day overall.  Got to bed at a decent time and slept pretty good!
Rolled out of bed when the alarm went off at 4:30 much to the dismay of little Letters and naked Redric James the hairless chiweenie, who were both snuggled up tight against me.





*135# for 10

*175# for 8

*195# for 6

*215# for 4

*135# for 20

I suck at squats, suck suck suck!  BUT I will not give up on them, I just need to keep the weights lower and stick to doing rep work with them.  Blah, I hate them though!


stiff legged deadlifts

*135# for 10

*155# for 10

*175# for 10

*195# for 8


leg extensions

*90# for 3 sets of 15


seated calf raises

*70# for 3 sets of 16



*20 for 3 sets



Not the best workout but I got something done and at this age that is what counts!

We had a decent surgery schedule but it was pretty much all dog neuters and cats which dont take much time so we were done by 10.  It is nice to be busy and done early :)   I went to tan and the massage therapist was there at the front desk so I scheduled my first deep tissue massage for my back and neck.  It is going to suck but I think it will do me a world of good.  My upper back and neck have been bothering me for months now and when I stopped by the church and prayed this morning that God would heal it and all the pain and discomfort left!  What an awesome God we serve!  So now it is time for maintenance to kick in so that I keep it from happening again!

The afternoon is booked pretty solid.  The kids have karate tonight so it will be a bit of a rushed evening with karate and then sparring for Zac and then home for homework but it keeps them busy and asleep quickly :)


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